Belarusian Students’ Fight for Freedom and Democracy

The Unbroken Generation. Youth Voices of Belarus 2020 (eds. Elena Korosteleva and Victor Shadurski)
Няскоранае пакаленне. Галасы беларускай моладзі 2020-га (рэд. Алена Карасцялёва і Віктар Шадурскі) >>

Па-беларуску і руску

The mass protests that erupted after Belarus’ rigged presidential election in August 2020 opened the door to new forms of solidarity, activism, and personal responsibility — values that dictatorships aim to suppress. Students were at the forefront of these events, facing a swift and brutal crackdown by the police state, followed by widespread persecution. 

This collection of 25 student essays provides a first-hand account of their electrifying protest experience, detention, torture, and forced migration that followed. It fulfils an urgent need for authentic and accessible cultural narratives to recount the inspiring and harrowing days of the protests, the trauma that followed, and reflections on Belarus’s democratic future. 

The book is a testament to the peaceful nature of the Belarusian people’s struggle for democracy. It is a powerful reminder of the realities a repressive regime seeks to erase or distort. By shedding light on the motivations and young voices behind these events, it offers valuable insight into the Belarusian people’s experience and vision for the country.

These stories serve as a vital resource for researchers, artists, activists, and policymakers while continuing to inspire hope worldwide, both within and outside Belarus, about its democratic future.

The book has been published by Skaryna Press with the support of the Warwick Ukraine-Belarus (WUB) Hub.